Friday, May 23, 2008

Sky Watch Friday

On Tuesday we had a county wide tornado warning and were told to take cover somewhere as a precaution. Luckily there were no tornadoes reported in our county altho there were some damaging ones in other parts of the state. Afterwards the rain stopped and the sky turned all kinds of beautiful colors. I told my husband to hurry and take me down the raod to get a picture of the sky. We went to about 5 different places but when we got to each one the pretty sky was gone. When we got back to our house the sunset was so pretty. As you can see the power lines ruined the picture and that's why I always try to go to another spot. Which do you like best the color or B&W?

Join Tom for more Sky Watch.


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Dot: Even under unusual circumstances beauty can show. Wonderful SWF picture.

Max-e said...

Hi Dot,glad your weather did not turn ugly. Stunning pictures as usual. The black and white had a special mood to it.

SandyCarlson said...

Dot, I think my eyes have learned to edit out power lines! I honestly don't see them when I look into this beautiful sunset. Glad all is well!

Rune Eide said...

B & W for me - it gives it that little extra. Sunsets in marvellous colours are a dime a dozen these days

Anonymous said...

Dot, that's a hard choice. I love the fire sky but something draws me back to the first one...

Rose said...

For me it is the B & W--but I am so darn jealous that it isn't even funny! These are way fantastic photos--my chest would be bursting with pride over them. Gorgeous, amazing, fabulous--just so wonderful. I am so glad you got them to share with us.

imac said...

Great photos I like powerful colours in skies but the B/W is great and fits well.

Pop and see mine before I vanish haha.

Tom said...

Hi Dot both these are good.. I like the B&W and I think the power lines are just fine in this.. the beautifully coloured sky would look better with out them. Have you tried removing then?

***Fotografia e Luz*** said...

Pictures fine with these colors

Daryl said...

Wonderful.. I like the BW .. so dramatic!


Ví Leardi said...

Dot Both are so gourgeous ...that the wire poles do not spoil them at all, I hardly noticed before reading you... Very good...

Daniel J Santos said...

the B&W, but the two photos are fantastic.

Voz do meu Coração said...

Pretty pictures, excellent series. Congratulations

Angie said...

Hi Dot,
Don't ask me to choose! they are both great.

Anonymous said...

super pictures

Anonymous said...

Wonderful SWF picture.

Quiet Paths said...

You know, these are just captivating. Nothing is ruined at all I'm glad you are safe.

TR Ryan said...

I've been to the basement three times this spring and I am hardly home. The roar of the siren is such a rush and I am always torn with taking cover versus running outside and seeing the sky. The hazard of living in Oklahoma. That sun shot is magnificent.

KOSTAS said...

Wow, Marvellous photographs, splendid sunset with very beautiful colours

Só- Poesias e outros itens said...

********** star for photos.


JU Gioli

FO - 2 said...

I like both of them.
It`s a beautiful Sky Watch! :)
You got paid off for the "struggle"...... ;)

Pat - Arkansas said...

I cannot choose a favorite. Both renditions are fantastic! Like several others, I didn't notice the lines until I read your narrative. Well done.
Glad the weather didn't nasty up on you!

EG CameraGirl said...

I think the B&W is a powerful shot!

Linda said...

They are both beautiful - But I love the B&W - it's beautiful! The power lines are fine - I don't think they take away anything from the picture.

Neal said...

Very beautiful! I still love B&W photos!

my little corner said...

great SWF pictures....

Unknown said...

B & W for me too! Great catch.

me ann my camera said...

I love them both: the black and white has such depth to its greys and the red is so astonishing. I know what you mean about power lines; I often leave home at sunsets for that reason too.

Snap Catch said...

perfect catch for SWF! Hope to see you around in my corner too..

Marie said...

Beautiful and beautiful :)

Kay said...

Holey Moley! I love both photos. I can't choose and the other photos on your blog are amazing as well.

mrsnesbitt said...

Warmed me up!

MamaFlo said...

No words do this justice.
I love B&W but the oranges are my favorite colors.

Pernille said...

Wonderful SWF-shot. It has to be the B&W for me. But they are both beautiful!

Have a lovely weekend:)

Maria said...

I love them both and don't worry about the power lines. They didn't ruin the picture at all!

Tina Leigh said...

mother I have internet...testing a new thing called wi-fi. we'll see. I love all the pictures!!! So pretty mama! Loveu

judi/Gmj said...

The B/W. By a country mile!! So emotional, moody.

Okay, Old Wom, how do you remove the power lines from a picture???

Jane Hards Photography said...

I usually say b&w, but as the colour is so rich and vinrant it's the winner margianally for me. Both superb though.

Andrea said...

Wow, they are both gorgeous. Please don't make me choose or I will be here all night. The pictures are so pretty that I really didn't notice the powerlines. You captured a great sunset. PERFECT!

Stardust said...

Ahh... power lines, they are such a killer! But your great pictures have minimized their effect!!

Gosh, I like them both! Am I too greedy or what? =P

Have a great weekend! =D

mercè said...

Very nice pictures with wonderful colors !!!

Anonymous said...

I like both pictures.
Beautiful shot.

Anonymous said...

Dot, glad to hear you didn't have a tornado. Your photo is beautiful. I like both versions, but I definitely prefer the color. :)

Unknown said...

I love them both. I am glad that the weather improved and you didn't have the tornado. Karen

Michele said...

I'm glad your weather behaved... hmmm... I really love the B&W the best.

Anonymous said...

I keep looking back at the B&W - It has a mood to it rather than being simply decorative (Takes note and thinks about doing some B&W work himself)

kay said...

Oh, I like the black and white!

Alan said...

I think I prefer the color version - the sky appears to be on fire. The B&W almost looks like it could be a full moon on a hazy night.

Texas Travelers said...

There is no best. They are both great.

That's like trying to compare chocolate cake and strawberry ice cream. They are different, but both great.

Nice job on equally beautiful photographs.

Thanks for the visit,

threesidesofcrazy said...


sonia a. mascaro said...

I am glad to hear that there were no tornadoes reported in our county.

Great photos! Well done! Both are beautiful... the first is more dramatic but the seconde is gorgeous too.

chrome3d said...

I think the power lines add dimensions to this picture. Both are good, but it´s maybe the red one for me. B&W looks like it´s night with full moon!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot...

My SWF in here Thanks

Juliana RW said...

B & W also looks great.

Mine in here Thanks

pts said...

i like that B&W pic.

Carletta said...

Stunning sunset - at home!
Each image evokes a different tone so depending on the mood you're in might depend on which you like best. Right now I'm loving the second one because Skywatch puts me in a happy mood.

Suzi-k said...

I am so glad you posted both for comparison, because when I saw the B&W I thought "how brilliant to leave the colour out and let the dramatic contrast speak for itself." And I wondered what the colour would have been like. It is stunning, but I still really like the B&W. I didn't find the powerlines distracting.

Malyss said...

I prefer the B&W one, it sounds so mysterious...!like if it was moon and not sun!
we've heard about the tornados in France and saw pictures of them on tv;a great chance you were not on their way..

Anonymous said...

a vote to colored one. I'm a fan of colors and this is amazing capture. well done

♥ Stines hverdag said...

Hard to choose, their both beautiful!
Have a great weekend!

Dina said...

Wow, I'll take both! In a way it is more natural (as in "normal") to see the sun with stuff in front of it. So glad you were spared a tornado.

Flying Solo said...

I like the two of them, can't decide. When I saw the B&W one I thought it was the moon.

Anonymous said...

another wonderful creation!

Indrani said...

Stunning shot and the B&W is outstanding. Liked your creativity in this. :)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures..stunning colour..
I am glad your part of the country has been damaged by tornados.
Thank you for your comment.

Anonymous said...

gorgeous and job well done1

Mike's Travels said...

Just beautiful!
My Skywatch

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure which one I like better, but when I saw the black and white one, it moved me immediately. Great idea for skywatch.

I'm glad you didn't have any tornados!

Janet said...

They are both dramatic!

Anne-Berit said...

Wow,the photos are both very beautiful,love them!

alicesg said...

Very lovely photos. Love the two different photos. The colours are very lovely too.

Anonymous said...

They are both very lovely shots !
The b&w seems nostalgic dreamy and wistful .
The flaming orange so passionate and full of emotion !

Happy SWF !

Mustang Mike said...

Saying "Great pictures" is not enough. You have real talent for capturing the "right" shot. I just love the "foggy morning". And thanks for visiting Mike's Show-N-Shine. Mike

bcmomtoo said...

So funny you went looking everywhere to capture the sky and it was waiting for you at home!

I like both of these. When I saw the black and white one, I thought it was a night-time moon shot. Taking all the gorgeous color out really does change things.

Small City Scenes said...

While the B&W is stark and beautiful I'll take the color anytime. MB

Ingrid said...

The wires don't disturb me at all, the pictures are very beautiful ! it must be awful to get a tornado warning I never had one in my life, here in Belgium there are none.

chanpheng said...

Beautiful pictures. The power lines set off the natural flow of nature.

I like both color and black and white, though I think I like B&W for portraits.

Anonymous said...

Wow! These are wonderful! And I prefer the color shot.

Cherie said...

Both beautiful and mysterious.

Power wires plague us all - but yours are not really noticeable within these powerful photos. Way to go!

Petunia said...

Like the last one best, but that doesn't mean I didn't like the first.
Tornado that is really dramatic. We don't have that here in Norway but we can get hurricans. But not very often.
Have a nice weekend, Dot!
Petunia's SWF

Lilli & Nevada said...

I love them both, and i know i wish i didn't have the power lines in my photos but unfortunately no matter were i turn around here the power lines are too.LOL
Glad that you didn't have the tornado in your area. We don't get them here

Neva said...

I like them both and the power lines just add character!

judi/Gmj said...

Let me say thank you for;
1. Your "let's see faces in the trees", now every blog I visit I am seeing faces!
2. I hear Patsy Cline singing I go out walkin', after midnight....
everytime I see you b/w moonlight picture. Now the song is stuck in my head.
So here I am, seeing faces in trees and Patsy's singing her heart out while I hum along. You never fail to intertain me. :)

Craver Vii said...

I like both of them, but especially the color shot. Did you see a green sky before the tornado? I have seen that before, but thankfully, not very often.

CloudStalker said...

I like them both but im am gonna have to agree with others that the b&w has something special to it.
Have a great weekend!

becky aka theRAV said...

The b&w is eerie looking but I like the rich red one.

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

Glad to hear you're safe. Storms do make for beautiful skies.

Deborah Wilson said...

I like both of them, Dot, even with the power lines. I like Sepia too.

Anonymous said...

Dot: Both are strong, but I like the color version best. It really makes the image sing.

Stacey Olson said...

Beautiful moon, wonderful skywatch post.

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Hi Dot! Both pictures are beautiful, but I prefer the black and white. Lisa

Anonymous said...

I like them both. But the color one I love.

Paulie said...

Both are pretty in their own way but in this case, I love the black and white one because the moon shows up more to me. I missed the full moon this month because of too many clouds. . . Real beauty photos!

I am catching up again and left comments on the last 3-4 posts.

Anonymous said...

I like the color photo best, but both are excellent.

Shammickite said...

I like them both, and I didn't even notice the power lines.
I have a pic of the sky on my blog too but I'm not actually part of the Friday Sky Watch people. Perhaps I should join.

EspressoHead said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

B&w for me. very nice!

EspressoHead said...

Hey dot! (dot here).

Im a first-timer to your blog =) LOVE this set wih the powerlines. What a great colours! The B&W one is just as beautiful!

Great name by the way ;)

looking foward to your next post!

Amila Salgado said...

Hi Dot,
The color one is my favorite although the b & W one too is nice. Wonderful capture.

Anonymous said...

I liked the colored one but both are equally beautiful!

My entries:

Suzanne said...

What a colourful sunset. This is stunning and I think I like the colour one better.

Unknown said...

wow, these are two of the best photos i have ever seen! I love the way you've done the b&w, and the colour is just as good. I couldn't choose between them, they both have such a different atmostphere. In fact, at first I though that b&w one was the moon!

And i didnt' see the powerlines. :)


David Webb - Nature Pictures

Louis la Vache said...

Marvelous Sky Watch images!

"Louis" thanks you for visiting San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.

Wendy said...

I usually would prefer color for a shot like this, but the B&W has a very surreal quality to it!

Dick said...

Hi Dot, this is the most beautiful skywatch, great picture

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I think they are both powerful images. The black and white one looks like one to save for Halloween! And I don't always agree that the power lines ruin the picture. It is what it is, and we have to take beauty where we find it. And this is true beauty. Great shot.

Susan Skitt said...

Wow - this got a ton of comments.

I like the vibrant color in the last picture, but the top one looks downright spooky, like it should be a book cover for a Thriller or something!

CrazyCow said...

Each has it's own beauty, so it is difficult to choose between them. The power lines add a little extra interest, rather than take away from the picture.

Anonymous said...

Yess, dramatic and impressive! I rather like that b&w, it brings out the silver lining of the clouds :) The blushing sunset is a beauty, too.

Anonymous said...

Black and white is very exeting... and the other one is beautiful. Greetings from Finland.

Liisa said...

I prefer the B/W one. Both are stunning!

Liisa Karoliina:)

VaQueenBee said...

Both pictures are beautiful, but my favorite is the color! Gorgeous shades!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. :o) We used to live in Watkinsville, GA (near Athens). We love that state!

Anonymous said...

I love the hot glowing one the most!

Wayfarer said...

Now thats awesome!!! Love the B&W...

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