Monday, June 2, 2008

Spider Webs

Someone asked me if I ever drive my husband's tractor. No I don't but I don't mind taking pictures of it! A few days ago I found these two spider webs on the tractor. The first two webs are the same but in the first picture the tractor was in the garden and the green from a tree behind it came through. In the second picture the tractor was parked in the old barn so there wasn't much color behind it. The last web was in front of a blue part on the tractor.
Anna has just started a new project she is calling PROJECT BLUE. Visit her if you'd like to join in.


Carletta said...

These are absolutely wonderful Dot!I like the one with the blue.

Andrea said...

It is amazing how a little spider can form such artwork in forming its web. Great captures of all three photos.

JunieRose2005 said...


Oh!! I just love spider webs! I'm always looking for them to photograph! I have some I might re-post!

;) My husband also has a couple tractors- but I don't drive them!
(They DO make nice-country pictures, tho!)


Champ Townboy said...

Awesome shots!! Looks like the spider in the last shot might have been on drugs, he's a little erratic in his design!! LOL

DeeMom said...

Those are so awesome

Fab Photos

Chrissy said...

These are fantastic photos Dot. Looking forward to seeing your project Blue photos.

Anna said...

Love the blue!

Anonymous said...

Dot, thanks for your visit to my blog. I love the spiderwebs and the blue tractor!

Paulie said...

I almost thought it was the sky behind that web! You took advantage of the color provided and used it well in shooting these. Great!

Ingrid said...

You make gorgeous pictures ! I have a lot to learn ! In July I do a one week workshop in photography ! Maybe that helps, lol !

Raven said...

What wonderful photos... I love the way the background colors enrich the webs. Awesome photos.

Robert said...

This was a great find and it works perfectly for this project. Keep your eyes open and keep looking for blue.

photowannabe said...

Very original choice for project blue. I like the detail and textures.

Kelli said...

Great pictures, Dot! I love the blue in the background!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome project blue shot! I've tried photographing spiders and their webs. ItqT isn't all that easy! Good capture.

Anonymous said...

great textures. excellent captures

my little corner said...

Dot now I will be looking for spider webs LOL......

Good pictures.......

timtim said...

icky. but nice one for project blue! love the shots of the berries. we should have strawberries now too. Yummy!

Pappy said...

Were you sitting on a Tuffett when you took these pictures?

Anonymous said...

No doubt with the price of gas there'll be more webs gathering :-)
Nice new look to your blog, by the way.

Dina said...

Refreshing to see something other than the perfect, symmetrical orderliness of most webs, for a change. Now that's a spider I can identify with. :)
Thanks for finding them.

Kim from Hiraeth said...

I adore spider webs (even though I despise spiders!)

I like that you've posted a blue photo whose subject is not what is blue (hope that makes sense)

Rose said...

I was just looking at a spiderweb on my porch yesterday evening, but was thinking it wasn't good enough to take a picture. These are just the opposite--I am with Carletta on liking the one with the blue behind it. Is that a Ford tractor?

Sandi McBride said...

I love photography blogs...these are simply wonderful. My Grandmother loved looking at the spider webs in the garden and judging the sanity of the spider who had spun it, lol...thanks for stopping in to see me and leaving such a nice comment on my Tomato Gravy Sunday...

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Dot: So the web just goes along for a ride. Very funny the different pictures of the same web.

MaR said...

I love spider webs. Your shots are awesome!!

Tina Leigh said...

I like spiders & tractors! Gonna get Danny to show me how to drive the John Deer today so I can cut the field.

smilnsigh said...

Beautiful... Simply beautiful.

Miss Mari-Nanci

Anonymous said...

That is great. I have tried to make some pictures of spider webs around the farm and they don't turn out well. I need a solid color behind them. At the pond there is a huge spider web built at the swing. We have to tear through it to get to the swing. The next day it is built back. I will try a background color behind it to photograph it. Thanks

Anonymous said...

These are fantastic photos, Dot.
I love the new look of your blog.

Neal said...

Those are really neat. When I was a kid I would catch spiders and keep them in a jar an throw a housefly in the jar ever so often to feed them.

Anonymous said...

I like the webs without the spiders! Terrific shots, though :-)

Daryl said...

Wonderful ... spider webs still are something I cant seem to be able to photograph well ..


Nancy said...

What intricate spider webs.Really nice shots.

Happyone said...

Great shots!! I like them all but my favorite is the blue one.
We had a Kobota once and I drove it a couple of times. I dug a few holes with it and mowed a field. It was great fun!!

Anonymous said...

The problem with spider webs around here is they are seldom seen with anything in them because the spiders are hungry and eat their victims right away. Noting is hung aside for Winter.

Thanks for your visits to my blogs and for your frequent comments there.

maryt/theteach said...

marvelous webs, dot! And marvelous "blue" shot! Lovely! :D I have a second one up!

lynn said...

Those are wonderful. I love the one with the blue behind it. I've never gotten a good photo of a spiderweb!

juliana said...

these are very effective. it's not so easy to capture spider webs well but you did it!

Mike's Travels said...

The colour comes through beautifully!

david mcmahon said...

Simply brilliant, Dot.

EG CameraGirl said...

Nice spider webs, Dot!

Lacey Lichi said...

I'm a complete farm girl who misses tractors and combines and yes, even a few spiders! What an amazing shot. Very cool. Welcome to project blue!

Anonymous said...

I love your spider web photographs!! Spiders are so amazing! And you've shown off their webs spectacularly. :)

Lilli & Nevada said...

wow what a great capture on the blue thru the spider web

Tom said...

Neat shots Dot... not to keen on Spiders but as subjects for the camera they are good. Love the webs..

Malyss said...

I don't like the spiders but I like the webs, so much work, patience and obstinacy....just like to make a good picture!

Anonymous said...

Awesome web shots. Such beautiful work those spider do.

Andree said...

that must be some spider! Great shots. The web seems to have two textures (to me) ; it fascinates me.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful macro.

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